
Accepted paper in the journal Science of Computer Programming

Accepted paper in a special issue of the journal "Science of Computer Programming"

DiaSuite: a Tool Suite To Develop Sense/Compute/Control Applications

Benjamin Bertran, Julien Bruneau, Damien Cassou, Nicolas Loriant, Emilie Balland, Charles Consel



Rencontres Inria Industrie

Julien Bruneau, ingénieur de l'équipe, fera une démonstration de la DiaSuiteBOX lors des Rencontres Inria Indutrie du 3 avril, sur le thème :

Les technologies du web et de la mobilité au service de l'innovation bancaire et de l'assurance



Talk by Tim Sheard In LaBRI

Tim Sheard will give a talk in LaBRI, Tuesday, January 10th at 4pm.

Title : Nax: a logic based upon Mendler style Iteration/Recursion Combinators

Abstract : We are interested in systems which are both a sound logic and a programming language. The design of such a system is quite delicate.


Visit of Tim Sheard

Professor Tim Sheard, from the Department of Computer Science, Maseeh College of Engineering & Computer Science (Portland State University, Portland Oregon) has arrived in the team ! He will be working with Phoenix during three months.


Talk of Young-Joo at the LaBRI Software Engineering Working Group

On November 23, during the meeting of the LaBRI Software Engineering Working Group, Young-Joo Moon will give a talk on Stochastic Models for Quality of Service of Component Connectors.


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