

The collaboration with the Thales Group is achieved through the following CIFRE fellowships.


Integrating non-functional properties in an Architectural Language and its execution environment

(Since January 2010)


  • Charles Consel,
  • Emilie Balland,
  • Alain Rioual,
  • Stéphane Treuchot,
  • Quentin Enard,
  • Stéphanie Gatti.


The goal of this project is to add non-functional properties in the Diaspec language and in the Diagen generator. More especially, these non-functional properties are considered on three different levels:

  1. The component level. The non-functional properties define temporal, physical and software constraints restrictive for a component.
  2. The component coupling level. The non-functional properties define the dependency between the components as well as the Quality of Service provided and required by each component of the environment.
  3. The software architecture level. The non-functional properties describe the resources that must be allocated to a component (memory, processing capacity). They also define the necessary resources for a component to interact with other components (network QoS).

Designing and developing simulation capabilities for network-centric systems

(Since October 2008)


  • Charles Consel,
  • Alain Rioual,
  • Stéphane Treuchot,
  • Julien Bruneau.


The goal of this project is to provide simulation capabilities for testing network-centric systems. To achieve this goal, a formal description of the component behavior of such system must be defined. Hybrid testing (combining virtual and real) of components, data and scenarios, as well as observability tools for component-tools will be studied in this project.

Models, DSLs and protocols for modeling a network-centric system will be designed and developed during this project. A dedicated framework for the simulation must also be provided. Finally, the simulation of a system must allow to qualify the functional logic of this system.

Designing techniques and tools for developing domain-specific languages

(From November 2006 to October 2009)


  • Charles Consel,
  • Alain Rioual,
  • Stéphane Treuchot,
  • Zoé Drey.


The goal of this project is to develop a connection between the domain-specific languages and the model driven engineering. We would like to take profit from methodologies, techniques and tools that come from model driven engineering, in order to ease the design and implementation of a domain-specific language (DSL). On another side, the model driven engineering could be combined with the DSL techniques to complete the pure-model vision in a software engineering process where modeling concepts do not suffice or are not relevant. This work will be illustrated and validated with a concrete case study.